Revealing Body Language Makes Video Messaging Compelling

For millions of years, our ancestors relied on body language to communicate with one another.  We are hard wired to understand facial gestures and sounds (e.g. grunts) without the use of words.

Fast forward to today’s era, so much gets lost with text messages.  Without seeing facial expressions so much is lost in the translation to text.

Enter: video messaging.  By being able to see others' facial expressions as we communicate, we’re able to gain a much deeper understanding and allows us to communicate more effectively.  It also lets us be more empathetic with others.

According to Psychology Today: "body language in communication gives us extra insight for a most honest appraisal of others”.

Although video messaging hasn’t yet gained the traction of text messaging, it’s clear that its adoption can improve the way we communicate, gaining a more empathetic, deeper understanding of others.

Psychology Today

Body Language Basics

The honesty of body language