Ziggeo’s Hello World

The easiest way to play around with Ziggeo is to sign up for our API (it's free, no credit card required), go to the default application in your dashboard and copy the application token. Make sure to confirm your email address before continuing, it won't work otherwise. Open up your favourite editor and create an index.html using the following code: [code language="html"] <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <link rel="stylesheet" href="//assets.ziggeo.com/css/ziggeo-betajs-player.min.css" /> <script src="//assets.ziggeo.com/js/ziggeo-jquery-json2-betajs-player.min.js"></script> <script>ZiggeoApi.token = "INSERT_YOUR_TOKEN_HERE";</script> </head> <body> <ziggeo></ziggeo> </body> </html> [/code] Make sure to replace INSERT_YOUR_TOKEN_HERE by your actual application token. Finally, serve the page within a webserver. The example page should be presenting you with a video recorder. After you've done your first recording, go back to your dashboard and select the videos tab under your application. Your recording should show up there. Copy the token of video and add the following piece of html to your website: [code language="html"] <ziggeo ziggeo-video="INSERT_YOUR_VIDEO_TOKEN_HERE"></ziggeo> [/code] Replace the placeholder with your video token. A player should now appear within your page after reloading. Congratulations!