Building video recruiting tools with Ziggeo

Building a simple recruiting tool like our open source system is a two-sided system that allows applicants to go through a submission process and recruiters to go through an evaluation process. The submission process involves a couple of forms and video recordings. Every submission, of course, would be stored as a row in a database system. When it comes to the video part, you would store the token of the recorded video as an attribute of the database entry. What's the best way to design the client-side? You would not want folks to be able to submit the form without completing the video, and you would want to get the video token as a post variable of the form. The best way to accomplish that would be as follows: [code language="html"] <form method="POST" action="/apply" id="apply-form"> <ziggeo ziggeo-tags="{{ submission["username"] }}" ziggeo-limit=90 ziggeo-input_bind="videotoken" ziggeo-form_accept="#apply-form" ></ziggeo> <input type="submit" value="Submit" id="submit" /> </form> [/code] Using this code, you'd address a couple of neat features:
  • Tag the video with the user name (python syntax here)
  • Limit the length to 1:30 minutes
  • Automatically store the token in an hidden input field with the name videotoken
  • Forbid the form to be submitted without recording a video
If we also want to hide the submit button as long as no video has been recording, we would add the following JavaScript code to the page: [code language="javascript"] $("#submit").hide(); ZiggeoApi.Events.on("submitted", function () { $("#submit").show(); }); [/code] Everything else would be pretty straightforward. The post submission handler would update the respective row in the database, and would fire up the Ziggeo player with the saved token in the recruiters' dashboard. If you have any questions, please put them in the comments below.